
Three Tips an Emergency Dentist Recommends to Remedy Toothaches

The emergency dentist may recommend coming into the office if the home remedies do not improve the toothache.

A Cracked Tooth and Nerve Damage

The severity of a cracked tooth often determines how a dentist goes about treating it. Minor cracks to a tooth only affect its outer layers, so there is rarely any pain involved. The damage is typically aesthetic, but treatment is … Continued

Emergency Dentistry Procedures That Cannot Be Put Off During the Coronavirus Outbreak

According to the American Dental Association, due to the coronavirus outbreak, dentists are now advised to handle only emergency dentistry procedures and postpone elective treatments. Dental emergencies often vary in terms of severity. In some cases, certain measures can be … Continued

What Can Happen If You Don’t Treat a Chipped Tooth?

 If you have a chipped tooth, you should contact us as soon as possible. Not treating a chipped tooth in a timely manner will cause significant problems down the line.Here is a look at how the failure to seek proper … Continued