Reasons to Consider All-on-4® Teeth Replacement

If you are missing all the teeth on your lower or upper jaw, you may be a good candidate for an All-on-4® system that uses four dental implants to secure a custom-fit fixed denture. It is a type of implant-supported denture that solves most of the common issues of traditional dentures. This article will outline the reasons why you should consider this option for dentures.

Better stability and reliability

Regular dentures are custom-made to fit your jawbone and gums, but they may still slip out of place, even with denture adhesives. Eating hard or chewy foods such as apples and bagels can become difficult if your dentures are unstable. Even simple actions like laughing or speaking can move dentures out of place.

This type keeps slips from happening because it fastens your custom-made dentures to four titanium screws that are implanted surgically into your jaw. The implants use the strength and stability of your jawbone to support the false teeth and prevent them from slipping. This allows you to bite and chew normally and enjoy the full flavor of the foods you eat.

It is also easier to speak and laugh without mishaps when you have implant-supported dentures. Unlike regular dentures that cover the roof of your mouth, implant dentures only slip over your gums.

Easy oral care and maintenance

If you have traditional dentures, you must clean your mouth, tongue, and gums properly after eating. You will also need to remove your dentures and soak them overnight in a denture cleaning solution. Implant dentures, on the other hand, are fixed in place and stay in your mouth. You can brush implant dentures just like you would brush your natural teeth, and your dentist can clean your dentures professionally the same way they would do if you still had your natural teeth.

Jawbone preservation

Because regular dentures rest on your gums, they do not induce the same level of pressure or force on your jaw as biting with your natural teeth or implant restorations. Because of this, your jawbone starts to shrink over the years, causing your dentures to become ill-fitting. Your jaw needs stimulation to stay healthy and in the correct form so that your face will not become saggy from your jawbone resorbing.

With All-on-4 implant dentures, four implant posts integrate into your jawbone to induce healthy pressure on your jawbone. When you bite or chew, the implants stimulate your jawbones, showing that the bone is still active and needs to generate new, strong bone cells to stay intact. If you choose implant dentures, you will preserve the appearance of your face and the function of your jawbones.

Dental implants offer natural-looking teeth replacements if you have lost your teeth. It is very costly to have multiple missing teeth replaced with single implants. All-on-4 blends the affordability of dentures with the stability of dental implants. You can enjoy increased stability and preserved bone function while not paying the full cost of dental implants.

Request an appointment here: https://www.drlamming.com or call Scott G. Lamming DDS at (949) 245-0577 for an appointment in our San Juan Capistrano office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: All-on-4 Dental Implants in San Juan Capistrano, CA.

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